Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hot Diggety Dog!

Yesterday, the Oscar Mayer Wiener mobile came to visit our Kroger store. They were giving out stickers and wiener whistles. Kroger was also having an employee appreciation special where employees got free hot dogs. It was just a hot dog kind of day. The Oscar Mayer people said they have about 6 of theses hot dog cars. I used to see one of them in Arlington quite often. It's weird following one in traffic. The first time I was behind one, I wasn't quite sure what the heck it was. I thought it was some sort of weird gas tanker, but then when the light changed, I saw that it was the wiener mobile. I mean like could you imagine driving around in a giant hot dog!? Could you imagine parallel parking that vehicle?

The Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile

Food mobiles would be an interesting form of transportation.

An Idea to encourage people to eat healthier, a carrot mobile.

How about a broccoli car?

The Wiener Mobile is not alone. There are other food-shaped cars out there.

The car from the movie, Good Burger

This would made for an interesting traffic jam in rush hour on 75 or the tollway.On this one website called 'The Throttle', there's a whole page dedicated to food cars.

Here's one Stacy likes, a lobster car.

Salad Truck

Goldfish car

Pringles Truck. I wonder if they have it in Sour Cream and Onion?

Cheese SUV
There are these buses we see at the airport that are yellow with black spots on them. Stacy calls them "Cheese Buses."

Hershey's Kissmobile

Here's a great little car that's great for fuel economy, a pea car.

You've seen cars shaped like food, now here's food shaped like a car.

Cars don't have to be the same ol' white, silver, black, brown, dark red, etc., they can be exciting. All you have to do is use a little imagination. Think of how interesting they would look on television traffic reports. I wonder what they'll come up with next? Burrito cars? Chicken leg cars? Pie cars? A car that looks like a giant bowl of salsa passing a sign that says "Dip in Road?" Who knows. The possibilities are endless.

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