Thursday, March 8, 2012

Daylight Saving? Time

It's time once again for my yearly rant about Daylight Saving Time. This weekend, we will be forced to set the clocks one hour earlier. As my family knows, I hate Daylight Saving Time with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I hate it more than stepping in dog doo, sinus infections and politics combined. I don't even know why they still do it. Congress even made the nation set it earlier and turn it off later. We used to be subjected to it in April and got to turn it back off in October. Now Daylight Saving Time is from March-something through November-something! According to standard, this change cost the nation billions to reset automated equipment. I think they changed it order save power or some such nonsense. Okay, maybe up north like in Alaska, it might save a few bucks, but where it gets hot, it just makes the air-conditioning units work harder for an extra hour thus using up far more power than a few light bulbs do being turned on a little early in the evening. It also puts more stress on our local almost- maxed-out power grid and poses a threat of brown-outs. I guess a lot of people just don’t get it.

Arizona does not use Daylight Saving Time. They get it, with the kind of heat they have, it would just be ridiculous. I wish we wouldn't use it here in Texas. It doesn't get quite as hot here, but it comes close. Last year, we had highs in the summer of 110 degrees. It's getting more like Phoenix, Arizona.

Daylight Saving Time was apparently thought up by Benjamin Franklin who thought it would save money on candles. That’s nice, back in the 1700’s, long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. Well, actually northeast from here, where it’s cooler in the summer and long before air-conditioning was even a thought. The only burning of candles these days is for those setting a certain mood or burning those scented candles that give me asthma.  Daylight Saving Time was also supposed to help farmers somehow, I think allowing them more daylight for harvesting crops or something like that. Actually, I read that farmers or don't like Daylight Saving Time because they have to get up with the sun no matter what, but don't like screwing around with the clocks in order to sell their crops. Of course now, farms are huge corporations and I doubt if screwing around with the clocks matters to them one way or another.

According to standard, Daylight Saving Time was used back in WWI to save fuel by using fewer electric lights. It wasn't observed again, with the exception of a few states, until WWII. In 1973, DST was used year round. Thank goodness that didn't work out! In my opinion, Daylight Saving Time was a concept thought up many years ago and the idea of it still exists, even though the actual reason for it has gone the way of the dinosaurs.

The article on standard also stated that it is shown that there are more traffic accidents on the Monday after Daylight Saving Time kicks in because people are tired from losing that hour of sleep. Why is Daylight Saving Time a good thing? It's not.

 One thing for sure, vampires would not like Daylight Saving Time, they don't want to save any daylight - ever! No, I'm not a vampire. I wonder if there was a Zombie Apocalypse, would that put an end to Daylight Saving Time? I mean like Zombies don't really care about saving daylight, they just want to eat brains, right?

Some people actually like Daylight Saving Time. Most of them live up north, but there are a few that live in Texas. Some people are naturally early morning people that actually enjoy getting up an hour earlier. This is a life form that is unnatural and alien to me. My mother was a morning person, ‘bright-eye and bushy-tailed’ at 5:30 AM every morning.  I am her polar opposite. I am not and never will be a morning person.Vampires aren't morning people either, but I am  not a vampire.

One year, I had to go to work at the grocery store at 7AM on the morning after the dreaded Daylight Saving Time got switched on. It was technically 6 AM and I felt like it was more like 4AM. The first thing I had to do was bring carts in from the lot. It’s a good thing there wasn’t much traffic in the lot because my level of awareness was very low. I probably wouldn’t have even noticed a semi at high speed right in front of me. After that, I had to go in and bag groceries. Usually bagging groceries at that hour isn’t bad, people usually come in to get just a few items like doughnuts and maybe some bacon and eggs. There are those few who do their weekly or monthly grocery shopping at that hour. This one lady rolled a cart up to the register I was at, (the only register that was open at that time) with a mountainous pile of groceries in it that looked like enough to feed an army of teenage boys for a month and a half. She was all perky and must have been there since the store opened. I hate it when people are perky early in the morning. I bagged her groceries in the manner that I was supposed to; bagging groceries is something you can do at a lower level of awareness and still do a good job. I don’t remember much after that, but in my mind, I was questioning her sanity the whole time.

One year, my future husband and I were out on a date when I was still living with my parents. It was the night that Daylight Saving Time was to be switched on. I was an adult, but my parents still had strict rules about what time they wanted me home and I was sick and tired of it. I was usually home in plenty of time. My mother had an amazing imagination and if I hadn’t come home when she wanted me to, at the exact second that I said I would or that she said I would, she would imagine that I had suffered any number of horrible disasters she had seen on the news. Well, that night, Steve and I were at the Ohio State area on High Street. I remember we visited a night club and small concert area called ‘The Agora.’ We were having a good time and figured since I was an adult, it was okay. It wasn’t. Like I said earlier, it was the night Daylight Saving Time happened, so I actually got in an hour later than I really got in, if that makes any sense.  When I got home, I got chewed out by my mom big time. My dad went along with her. In the days following, they kept reminding me of it, over and over again, as if I had committed a felony. They never let me forget about it, even after Steve and I got married and moved to Texas. I don’t think my mom ever forgot about it! Moving to Texas was a necessity in order to get a job, but it was also a blessing because then my mom couldn't be like those guys' mom on 'Everybody Loves Raymond' with an attitude.

This weekend is the time for Daylight Saving Time to be switched on.  It is called  ‘Spring Forward’ but I call it being needlessly yanked forward an hour by an inane custom that’s over 100 years old that has no reason for existing except that people are in the habit of doing it and a few crazy morning people have the power to make it happen. No matter how much I rant and rave, it's not going to change, we're still going to be subjected to this nonsensical time change. I can write my congressman a request to help end Daylight Saving Time just like I do every year but the masses are entrenched in the habit of changing their clocks twice a year and it will take some sort of apocalypse to change that.  I just need to look forward to 'Fall Back' when the timeline once again becomes normal and sane.

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