Monday, March 5, 2012

Fun and Games

Either today or tomorrow, the Super Poke Pets'game is being dropped from facebook I don't know why they're dropping it, it's a nice game. It doesn't take much time to play and you can get real creative with it. You have a little pet which you feed, play with and groom. You can put him in different backgrounds and add cool stuff to it.  There's also a little garden that comes along with it; you can plant seeds and grow the most unusual things like an animal beach ball or special gems. You don't have to buy anything, you earn coins by playing the game, helping your friends in the game and spinning this little wheel that shows up once a day. You can join clubs on the game. I joined the 'Dr. Who' club and that has been wonderful. That club has some really nice people in it. You can visit their pets, you can feed or play with their pets, send them a compliment or help them with their garden. It's fun seeing the little worlds that others have created for their pets. There are some highly creative people out there.

There are a lot of these little games on facebook. There's 'My Safari' which mysteriously disappeared for two months and just recently showed up again. There's Zoo Paradise, Happy Pets, Happy Aquarium and 'Angry Birds.' There's also one called 'Farmville' which I don't like as much so I don't go into. Those are just the ones I've tried. There are a whole lot of different games on facebook. There's 'Happy Isle', 'It Girl', Mighty Pirates and 'Pop Boom.' Those are just the games in 'Crowd Star.' There's also 'Cafe World'. 'Treasure Isle', 'Castleville', 'The Sims Social', Cityville', 'Bejeweled Blitz' and even a Tetris one. Since I have 'Bejeweled' and 'Zentris'(just like Tetris), I don't see the point in playing them on facebook. I have been in 'Super Poke Pets' more than usual because it is going away, but normally, I don't spend much time on these games. I also stay clear of facebook credits because those require real money and I'm not going there.

One of my favorite games isn't even on facebook. It's actually a blast from the past called 'Myst.' It is so beautifully done. You can get totally drawn into the game. It was a big hit in the 90's, especially with women because it was a puzzle-solving game, not a 'shoot-em-up' game. The art, music and sound effects are amazing, especially for 90's technology. I first started playing it in the late 90's and now there is a recent version that my husband downloaded for me. It's a game where you enter a book and land on a mysterious island that holds strange little buildings and an old sunken ship out in the middle of the ocean. You solve puzzles to get through the game. I need a 'walk-through' but my son was able to play it without one. Here is the intro into the game:

Our son and daughter are really good with video games. They've been playing them since they were little. I remember Jeff and Stacy playing 'Super Mario Bros' on this old Nintendo system. They also liked 'The Legend of Zelda' and the sequels, although they liked the first one the best. I can remember that song going through my head because I heard them play it so much. Stacy likes to play a game called 'Little Big Planet' which looks like fun.
Graphic from 'Little Big Planet

 Jeff just finished a game called 'Darkness 2' which he just got. The coolest game as far as video graphics go is 'Red Dead Redemption.' He had read that it was a good game and he really enjoyed it. It's not one of those games you finish in a day. The graphics have incredible clarity. The day actually grows dark and gets light again. I can't even begin to describe it in this little blog. All I can say is that it's a western and it's amazing.

Scene from 'Red Dead Redemption'

Just compare this with the picture above.

I remember when Steve and one of his brothers went together to buy 'Pong.' His brothers and I were all gathered around a little TV watching two rectangles bat a circle back and forth. back then, it was a big deal. I remember Steve and I playing 'Frogger' on an Intellivision and' Pacman' on an Atari game system. We still have both game systems and they still work. I remember playing 'Centipede' in the laundromat while waiting for my clothes to dry. I remember Steve playing 'Galaxian.' He really liked that game and he was good at it. A lot of people liked 'Space Invaders' but he liked 'Galaxian' the best.  I remember the songs from the kids' games going through my head because they played them so much. I liked 'Tetris; that was one game I was good at. I remember when Jeff's uncle gave him his first Gameboy and he played it on the plane all the way home. He still has that Gameboy. My daughter now has a 3 DS and can play video games in 3-D. I wonder what will come out next? When the power goes out, there's always 'Scrabble.'



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