Sunday, February 12, 2012

Angry Birds and Valentines

Well, it was another day of putting food and various goods into bags for people to cart home. One lady was so impatient that she just threw the rest of the stuff she had bought into the cart after I had bagged most of her purchases. I have no idea what her problem was, I was putting her stuff into bags as quickly as possible without ruining anything. I think she had a bug up her backside that had nothing to do with us. Maybe she couldn't get beyond a certain level in 'Angry Birds' and those pigs just sat there grunting. Sometimes you only get 3 of the yellow birds and one of the green boomerang birds or the red dude that doesn't do anything except fly through the air and if those pigs are in an underground concrete bunker, it just isn't easy.

It's getting closer to Valentine's Day. There's a big white tent out in the Kroger parking lot for people who just want to pick up a quick bouquet without walking into the store. The only problem is that today, it was a little cold out there. People who had been working outside in the tent came in with rosy cheeks, looking like they'd been out on the frozen tundra. I don't know how much business they were doing out there in that tent today. It wasn't that busy in the store today, maybe people were staying home and playing 'Angry Birds.' It can be pretty hard to get those green pigs and they just sit there and grunt and chuckle, "hehehehh..."

It's starting to snow outside! Snow is rare in Texas. This cold weather we're having is unusual. Weather other than searing heat is unusual in Texas. I wish it would snow a little on my day off. If it did sleet or snow tomorrow, Jeff and I would still have to go in and take care of the outside animals. We also take care of a few animals who are inside as well. In the exhibit hall, there are two birds, a Moluccan Cockatoo names 'Crystal' and a Blue and Gold Macaw named 'Sweetie.' They're not angry birds, although Crystal gets angry sometimes if you don't pay enough attention to him. Neither he nor Sweetie have any inclination to want to fling themselves at a bunch of green pig heads under piles of wood, glass and concrete.

Angry Birds is quite popular, there is a holiday edition and a Rio edition of it. Here's an idea, how about a Kroger edition, where pigs have stolen the eggs out of the dairy department and are hunkered down in the meat department. The birds can wear little blue Kroger shirts and fling themselves via the slingshot at the pigs as customers walk through with their carts. I've been bagging too much.

There could be a game called 'Angry Customers' where customers would fling groceries at cashiers and baggers who are hiding under wood, glass and concrete structures next to cash registers.  If the customers didn't get them all, the cashiers and baggers could go, "Hehehehehe..." Yeah, I've definitely been bagging too much.

There are all kinds of possibilities for this game. Here, the birds are flinging themselves at Tippi Hedren and they've gone back in time!

You could also have a Valentine's Day edition of Angry Birds.

Then you pull back the slingshot, loaded with the assigned bird, you let loose and by some lucky happenstance, the whole mess of lumber and concrete falls in on those darn pigs and you wait for the birds to yell, "Woohoo!"
Ahh, but lo and behold, there's still a lone, solitary pig under the bunker going "heheheheh..."

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