Monday, February 20, 2012


Today, I worked at my other job, feeding animals in the outdoor exhibit at the Heard Natural Science Museum and Wildlife Sanctuary. Many of our animals are indoors right now because it's too cold for them to be outside.  The animals are all doing well. Roscoe, the raccoon gets all excited when he sees us walking up the trail with the wagon that's full of bowls of food.  He really likes strawberries and grapes. Albus, the albino raccoon prefers to stay inside his little house. I don't blame him, it was a little chilly this morning and he has a nice heating mat to keep it warm in there. The deer were sweet as ever. I love feeding them.

Today is President's Day and I guess those who work for the government and banks got today off. My mom worked for the State of Ohio, so she got all of those holidays like President's Day off. For a while it was George Washington's Birthday and Abraham Lincoln Day, but somewhere along the line, they all got put together into one day. I don't think I've ever worked anywhere in which I'd get President's Day off. Usually, I wouldn't even realize it was a holiday until I got to the mailbox and realize we didn't have any mail, or I'd go to the bank and it would be closed. I did neither today. The kids in public schools got a break today. College kids still had to go to school today, at least at Collin College where Stacy goes to school. There's never a day off in the world of animal care, even on Christmas, someone needs to go in and feed the animals. For animals like Roscoe, feeding time is a real important time of day and they look forward to it.

My husband had a job interview today. He had one on Friday too. Both interviews went real well.  In the past two weeks, he's applied for 42 jobs. I hope he gets a job soon, he's working so hard at it. He just sent out a letter and resume to another company. My husband is really a wonderful writer and editor, somebody should hire him. They would be happy they did.

My husband and kids went to a comic book convention a couple of weeks ago. People from the series Firefly were there. Stacy got an autograph from Adam Baldwin, the guy who plays 'Jayne.' Jeff bought a big Babylon 5 picture and it arrived in the mail last week. They just went to Michael's to get it framed.

I can't believe that it will be March in less than 2 weeks. March 6th is when the facebook game, Super Poke Pets is going away. I don't know why it's going away, Google just said it is. That's a shame because Super Poke Pets is one of the nicer games on facebook. Another game that I liked called 'My Safari' also went away. At least with Super Poke Pets, they're letting you know. With 'My Safari,' it just disappeared one day with no explanation. I liked that game. I wish Farmville would go away instead. I don't really like Farmville. It's hard to play, has annoying music, you have to buy stuff with  facebook credits, which I refuse to do and you can't just play the game by yourself, you have to be social. Sometimes I don't feel like being social. The only way you can get  facebook credits is buy using real money, or by watching stupid commercials. I am not going to waste my money on a bunch of virtual crap and if forced to watch a commercial on line, I turn off the sound and go to another tab on my browser. There are still some cute little games like Happy Aquarium, Happy Pets and Zoo Paradise.

I just got a call from Steve, Jeff got a beautiful frame for his picture at Michael's and they were at Petsmart getting cat food and wondered if I wanted anything else. I'm glad they called because we need a box of  large adult frozen dead mice for the snake. There's never a dull moment. Now I have to figure out what to fix for dinner.

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