Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's Tuesday, I wonder what to write about.

Today, I'm not sure what to write. It's Tuesday, one of my days off. My husband is on the computer working on his job search. Last week, he applied for a dozen jobs, the week before he applied for another dozen jobs, yesterday, he applied for 4 jobs. He is also working on follow-ups because when you apply for a job, you have to follow up to make sure they are aware of you. Apparently, if you don't use certain keywords, your resume won't even get seen. My husband's a nice guy, he's easy to get along with. He's a very, very hard worker. He's very smart and very talented. He would stay put not even thinking of changing jobs and dedicate himself to doing the very best job. He would be an amazing asset to any company. I don't understand why companies don't see that. I wish someone would hire him soon.

My daughter likes to do what's called 'cosplay' where she dresses up like a character in a certain movie, TV show, or anime. Today, she is dressing up like a certain character in a movie known as 'Ink.' She has on a tank top, jeans, a black jacket, boots and carries a small canvas bag on her hip. She also painted her nails black. I had to help her paint her nails on her left hand and I am not a good manicurist. I might be a good painter, but not good at painting nails. Anyway, my daughter looks great. She and her friend are going to take pictures of them in their outfits in downtown McKinney later today. She has dressed as the 10th doctor in Dr. Who, characters known as 'Near' and 'B' and 'L' from a series called 'Death Note,' and a character she and her friend made up. She also dressed-up as a character from an anime called 'Yuna' for Halloween one year. I helped make the skirt and paint the decorations on it and she got her hair cut in the style the character wore. This character carried some sort of staff, so we ended up making a staff with a styrofoam ball on top of it with a light stick inside of the ball so it would glow.When she went trick-or-treating, other kids her age ran up to her, one even  hugged her. Here are some of her cosplay costumes:

In the top photo, she's Yuna, In the next photo, she's the 10th Doctor, in the next photo, she's the character 'Rose' from the Dr. Who series, in the next photo, she's a nurse, also from the Dr. Who series and in the last photo, she's 'B' from a series known as 'Death Note'. She makes the costumes, often from clothes bought at Goodwill for very low prices.

Soon, I will have to pick up my son from his job at the Heard. He cleans animal cages in the outdoor exhibit to earn money for school. He is taking this semester off in order to decide what he wants to do when he gets out of school and what he should focus on for his final two years in school. Right now, he's thinking of a career in Criminology. He's found that he's very interested in psychology which is interesting because my mom was interested in that as well. He also likes to dress up in interesting costumes for Halloween.

Stacy just got back with mousse for her hair to add the final touch for her 'Ink' character. 

Stacy as Ellel from the movie 'Ink'

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