Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Duper Bowl

Before the Super Bowl: The preparation for this major football game was nothing short of incredible. Both yesterday and today people were buying gigantic amounts of food and drinks.  24-packs of beer, Velveeta Cheese, Salsa, Guacamole, or ingredients for Guacamole, chips, lots and lots of chips, enough soft drinks to fill Lake Lavon, fruit and lots of vegetable trays, cheese trays, cocktail sausages, regular sausages, lots and lots of ribs, loads of chicken wings, barbecue sauce, red white and blue cupcakes with little plastic footballs on them and iced cookies. There were a lot of propane exchanges as people were firing up the gas grills in anticipation of the big game. Bagging food is not exactly rocket science, you don't put a jar of pickles on top of the bread and stuff like that, so your mind can wander while doing this. I imagined what the Heard animals would be buying. The lemurs would be loading up on grapes, mangoes, kiwi and bananas. The raccoon would load up on everything, especially berries and grapes. The capybara would probably empty out the entire produce department. The birds would go for the seeds and nuts and some bananas. The opossum would go for just about anything but would be disappointed that there weren't any mice in the meat department. It would be fun to see all of these animals in line with their carts loaded with food, ready to check out, while one of the lemurs argues with the cashier over a coupon.

During the Super Bowl: The Super Bowl is being played tonight. There are a gazillion Super Bowl parties taking place at this time. The Patriots are playing the New York Giants. At this point, New England is leading New York 17 to 15 but New York is playing a really good game. There have been some really interesting commercials. There was just one for Bud Light with a little rescue dog named 'Here We Go' who when he hears that, he fetches beer. I liked it because it supports rescue cogs. There was a commercial that was a take-off on 'Ferris Beuller's Day Off.'' KIA just had a clever ad about a dream car.The Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet is also taking place  I just saw the kitten halftime show and it was adorable as usual. There was a cute little guy who looked like he could have been a baby Slinky.

After the Super Bowl: Well, all of the preparation was worth it. The Super Bowl was an amazing game! The Giants won! We were rooting for the Giants. Steve is from New Jersey, so we were rooting for the Giants. The Patriots lead for a long time and in the last quarter, the Giants got an impressive touch down. It looked like that guy just sat in the end zone and gave the Giants the winning touchdown. Don't have much else to say and the kids are calling me so we can watch our nightly installment of Babylon 5. The Puppy Bowl was adorable as always.

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