Monday, February 13, 2012

Snow Day

 It was supposed to snow last night. We did have flurries. That was nice. I'm glad we at least got flurries. I was starting to worry that we wouldn't get any snow this year. I love snow. It looks so pretty when it sticks to all of the trees. It's really beautiful at the Heard when it snows. Last year, it snowed a lot. I got some pictures at the Heard of the snow.

It was really pretty. In Texas, the snow doesn't stay very long. It's rare for the snow to stay much longer than a day or two and I always feel sad when it melts because it might be a very long time before I see snow again. In Ohio, snow would stay around several days sometimes. It would melt and then re-freeze and make the roads really slippery. It would also get dirty and in places, turn into brown or black slush and that would also re-freeze. Still, I would be sad when it melted and especially sad if it rained and the rain melted the snow. Now that I'm in Texas and we've been having the worst drought in history, I'm always glad to see rain.

One year, it snowed about 5 inches on Valentine's Day. We had no idea that it was going to snow and I was getting disgusted with Texas because it never snowed, at least in this part of Texas. In the middle of the night, my husband told me to look outside and it was a winter wonderland. Big fluffy flakes of snow that looked like goose down feathers were floating from the sky and the world looked like a cake that had just been frosted with snow.

A lot of people think snow is miserable because it's cold. I agree, it's cold, but I still think it's pretty. I especially like it when I don't have to drive in it. I also like it when there are no rolling black-outs like there was last year. It's fun to build a snowman or snow dog. Once, Stacy built a snow Dalek (from Dr. Who). It's fun to have snowball fights. Once when it snowed, Stacy and her friend, Kristin walked around and made big shapes in the snow.

I remember when the kids were little when we lived in Arlington. We didn't get much snow one year and the kids had to collect snow with their wagon from several neighbor's yards in order to get enough snow to build a snowman. The kids would play outside and then would come in to warm up by the fireplace and get some cocoa and then go right back outside to play in the snow some more. There was a hill in the neighborhood that was great for tobogganing. We didn't have a sled, so we improvised by using the lid of a turtle-shaped sand box. It worked pretty well.

One year, the kids built a snowman before school because the snow was going to melt that day. They gave it a carrot nose. When I got back from taking the kids to school, the snow had already started melting and the carrot had fallen from the face to a place on the snowman that was a little embarrassing. I removed it quickly and hoped that none of the neighbors saw it.

The kids had a lot of fun in the snow. I had a lot of fun in the snow. I hope we get some snow this year, but we might not. I was thankful to get the flurries.

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