Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day! It's a day full of red hearts, heart-shaped boxes of candy, chocolate-dipped strawberries, cookies covered in pink and red icing and lots of beautiful flowers. My husband gave me a beautiful dozen roses and two boxes of sugar-free candy.

Steve and Stacy had a hard time finding sugar-free candy. You'd think with all of the diabetics in the world that there would be an abundance of sugar-free products out there for those of us who are sugar-challenged. I really appreciate them going to the trouble to find me some.

Last night, Stacy and Kristin made bacon roses. They turned out really good. It wasn't easy. They had to cook the bacon in the microwave all curled up with a toothpick and then attach them to stems that used to hold plastic flowers. It was hard to get them to stay and the roses wanted to lean to one side. They did a real good job.

Yesterday, Stacy made a squid cake. It's a regular cake in the shape of a squid. She used candy from a candy necklace for the suckers. It had nothing to do with Valentine's Day, she just wanted to make a squid cake. It turned out really nice.

Hope everyone has a happy Valentine's Day.

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