Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dugongs Getting Carts Full of Valentine Candy

The title sounds goofier than this blog actually is.

It was cold today. I had to get carts a lot. Pushing carts around in a parking lot when it's 27 degrees outside is not a lot of fun. Then I saw somebody's little girls who didn't have on coats, one was dressed in a tank top with slacks  and the other had long sleeves but was wearing flip-flops. It was 27 freaking degrees out there! What goes on in the heads of those parents!?

 I put a lot of groceries in to plastic bags and some into paper bags. I hate paper bags, they may be more 'green' but they are a pain in the butt when you are trying to package groceries quickly and properly. Then there are some people who want to do their own bagging while I am also bagging their food. They get real creative about what they put together, air fresheners in with regular food, stuff like that. There was one lady last week who insisted it was perfectly alright to put raw meat, including raw chicken into her re-usable bags because she washes them out. Unless she uses bleach, that will not eliminate the bacteria. Everybody wants to be a bagger!

People are gearing up for Valentine's Day. They wanted to sell things out of the big tent they have set up, but it was too cold. It is real pretty with all of the flowers. There are also loads of balloons and stuffed animals and a big wall of candy. They were selling big strawberries dipped in chocolate. 

My daughter and her friend went to a reptile convention in Arlington. Her friend got a cute little hog nose snake. They had a good time and saw all kinds of snakes and lizards. 

The tire pressure sign is on in the white Honda because it is cold and that does a number on the tire pressure. At least I don't have a flat. We have a house, not a flat (British humor).

My husband got Kentucky Fried Chicken tonight and I really appreciated that.

Tonight, Snuffy was being real sweet. My husband was holding him and I was petting Snuffy and he let us. It was a nice moment. I wish I could have spent more time petting Snuffy, he's a sweet cat.

Tomorrow, I will go to work and put more food into plastic bags for people. Tippi is on the table again. I have tried to come up with something more fun and goofy, but my brain isn't cooperating.

The Dugong song is running through my head again. Dugong, Dugong, it's the cow of the sea, also known as the manatee... It doesn't have wings, cause that would be silly, It doesn't live in a tree, that would also be silly...

Maybe I'll do what my daughter has suggested, write a blog about interesting light bulbs.

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