Saturday, February 4, 2012

Plastic or Paper?

On weekends I work at Kroger as a 'Courtesy Clerk.' in other words, a bagger.  It brings in a little extra money and I get some exercise without even trying to. The people I work with are really nice. 99% of the Customers I work with are really nice. Today, it's going to be really, really busy because it's Superbowl weekend. People will be loading up on beer, nachos, cheese, queso, various dips, pretzels, and all kinds of game time foods. Then others will be doing their weekly, bi-weekly or monthly shopping trips. Then you have the people who love to do coupons and have huge binders stuffed with coupons. They buy piles of frozen pizzas, the kind that, in my opinion, taste like cardboard, loads of those individual containers of yogurt, boxes of canned goods and heaps of those individual 'Lunchables.' They must have pantries the size of basketball arenas and fridges close to the size of Kroger's dairy cooler. They approach the register with carts heaped with food. When the food is bagged, it often takes up two carts. That's job security.

I started this blog this morning before work, but didn't have time to finish it. It truly was a very busy day.  People bought lots of beer, chicken wings, chips, salsa, avocados, fruit and vegetable trays, ribs, wine and other stuff you'd have a Super Bowl Party. Two ladies bought two cart-loads of stuff for a party and they were especially nice. Many people did their weekly shopping, buying piles of 'Lunchables' for their kids to take to school. Every customer I encountered today was nice. The people I work with are always nice. That makes standing on your feet all day putting food into bags easier to do. Sometimes songs pop into my head for no reason at all. Today, the Captain and Tennille's  'Muskrat Love' started running through my mind and I don't know why. It was funny to think about a romantic song about two rodents.

When I got home, Steve had gotten barbeque at Hutchins' and I appreciate him doing that. Hutchins has the best brisket anywhere. Then we watched a very strange claymation movie called, 'Mary and Max.'

Tomorrow, I go back to work with very similar hours for more of the same. I enjoy the nice friends that I have made at Kroger. I'm sure a lot of people will buy lots of Super Bowl party stuff.

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